Thursday, February 19, 2009

Haven't done this in a while

I haven't wrote a blog in a while.
Mostly cause I'm a lazy bum perhaps.
I'm going to attempt to do this at least once a week.

In My life:
Right now I'm sick.
Super uber gross runny nose barely want to move and want to sleep a lot sick.

At School:
Missed school two days in a row.
I think one of my friends are mad at me for it.
I was sick DAMN IT!

I'm starting a youtube collab channel next week.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Hello I've decided to make my own blog because Where i live there aren't many people like me.
And what do I mean by " like me" .
I live in rural Pennsylvania, there is a very small, and by very small i mean i know one other person, gay community. Yah. So this is where i correct you're line of thinking.
I'm not Gay.
Nor am I straight.
I'm bi.
I'm not a fake bi person, who decides to be bi to get guys and attentions.
I swing both ways, i like guys and girls, and yah.
Also I'm diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
I have horrific mood swings sometimes, especially when I'm angry at people.
I get criticized for that a lot.
People think it's not real, or that I'm crazy.
And neither really hold true, I'm just uberly emotional but all and all I'm a fun loving person I think.
But I need people to talk to, who might criticize but i wont see them everyday so no need to worry about them.